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We are proudly supported by a series of partners who are keen to assist us in our cycling racing mission from other areas of society. Our partners are categorised into Principal Partners, Latinum Partners, Associate Partners and Official Partners dependant on their core activities and input into our organisation. All our partners are carefully selected and share the same visions as us.

Click on the Partner Icon to find out more about them


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Principal Partner - Ketracel White


In essence Ketracel White is a addictive performance enhancing substance, used by the Jem Hadar (Gamma) riders allowing them to complete on a level playing field with the other cycle racers participating in CTT & UCI races, who clearly dope. Why clearly you may ask, well significant advances in performance over recent times clearly show the authorities are turning a blind eye to doping and in certain areas promoting it, for their own profit. Ketracel White is undetectable by the all testing authorities as The Vorta who produce the product are far more intellectually advanced to the subservient scientists who devise the purposely weak testing protocol. Ketracel White is not illegal as it does not contain any banned substance on the WADA prohibited substance list. Ketracel White is manufactured in a undisclosed location using the tri-nucleic fungi from Kabrel and Devos, the only known places where the fungi grows, as well as other ingredients including Yridium Bicanitizine. Ketracel White is only available to Jem'Hadar not available on any market place. Membership may gain access to the substance.

Latinum Partners

Garek's Clothier

Maintain a smart, well turned-out appearance by visiting Garek's Clothier. At Garek's only a bespoke tailoring service is offered with the creatation any garment that is required, from ladies’ and gentlemen’s clothing to children’s threads. Alterations and hemming are also undertaken and all our work is beautifully hand crafted by the Elim Garek himself, on site.

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Quarks Bar as well as a drinking bar is also a quality grill and gaming house (casino). Situated in a prime location on the promenade, the establishment draws crowds of tourists, travellers and local inhabitants with its offerings of drink, food, gossip, gaming and fantasy fulfilment, a place to satisfy all types and interests. The proprietor often rumoured to be a likeable rouge and commonly suggested to be on the wrong side of the law, is an amiable host and one of the reasons this bar is one of the most popular places for recreation in the area and well known amongst travellers alike. The only bar stocking genuine Kanar liquor.

Quarks Bar

Raktajino Coffee 

An exclusive coffee best served piping hot. Prepared from the most exotic Kronosian coffee beans that have been precisely roasted. This coffee can be prepared in a drip coffeemaker, in a French plunger coffee carafe or even in a vacuum coffeemaker. The coffee had an afterburn triggered by the secret ingredient. The coffee can is best served as a large drink, but has varieties including a double shot, with whipped cream, with Jacarine Peel, with Icoberry Torte, decaf or with a bit of rum, hazelnut liqueur or Irish Cream liqueur.

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Risa offers the ultimate recreational vacation experience. Please believe me, Risa is a paradise. Warm tropical breezes, exotic foods, free spirited beautiful guys and girls. Risan steam pools and heavenly. As a vacation location everything you desire is available. Popular locations include, Galartha great for rock climbing, Suraya Bay and the Temtibi Lagoon. A popular activity is swimming with the Risan Sea Turtles. Risa is conveniently located in the Epsilon Ceti B area and easily reachable using either private or communal transport. Highly recommended.

Risa Vacation Destination

Q'onoS Eatery

A highly rated eatery serving cuisine from Kronos, expertly prepared by a decorated Kronos Master Chef. The menu included, Bregit lung, Gladst, Grapok sauce, Krada leg, Mollusk, O'mat Gri T'M pffiots, Pipius claw, Racht, Rokeg blood pie, Targ, Heart fo Targ Zilm'kach. The speciality of the establishment is Gagh which is a dish of live serpant worms served at a temperature in which they wriggle calmly giving the consumer the best culinary experience. The only establishment to legally sell Blood Wine, served by sccoping your tankard into the open topped barrel. Traditional music compliment a pleasant eating experience.

Kronos Eatery



VeloSolo are a prefered supplier of fixed wheel components to the Jem'Hadar. They distribute a range of UK made precision bike components including bolt-on and threaded track cogs, CNC chainrings, spacer kits, handlebars and more. In addition they offer products from companies such as Token, Sugino, MKS, Nitto, KMC, Miche and many others - for fixed wheel or singlespeed bicycles, both on and off-road. They ship worldwide every day with customers in over 60 countries and across the USA. Click on the icon to the left to link to their website wher you can order all your singlespeed components.

 Halo are a prefered supplier of training wheels for Jem'Hadar. At Halo 100% of wheels are hand-built to guarantee attention to detail. This ensures that you are getting a product that deserves to carry the Halo name. The range of products extends across the genres of riding we love to do, from road racing though to our roots in dirt jumping. Halo moto is  -  Halo Wheels | Developed in the UK, Ridden Everywhere.


Vive Le Velo are a prefered supplier to the Jem'Hadar. Undoubtedly Vive Le Velo is the premier cycle retailer in East Yorkshire where you will be given a sterling customer experience and unquestioned after sale service. They are specialists in top end cycle sales and servicing and can arrange bespoke cycles. They are known as architects of cycling elegance. They can supply Cinelli Vigorelli Sharks such as the Jem Hadar 72" Shark from their premises in the desirable North Ferriby village, home to the rich and famous of Hull and the East Riding and close to the Jem'Hadar main base. 

Schwalbe Tires is a prefered product of Jem'Hadar. Jem'Hadar solely use Schwalbe tyres for all training and commuting. We understand that a manufacturer dedicated to cycle and wheelchair tyres can prove to be more focused to the need of the cycle. Schwalbe Tires is a brand name of Ralf Bohle GmbH, a German manufacturer of bicycle and wheelchair tyres. Schwalbe produces a wide range of tyres for different cycling applications, but is best known for its commuting, touring and utility tires such as the Marathon range.





No Pinz are the official supplier of team clothing to Jem'Hadar.

The livery and design have been a collaboration between Jem'Hadar and the NoPinz design teams.

Nopinz started with a simple idea the SpeedPocket, a product that made attaching your race number easier whilst also improving your aerodynamics and performance. Since then every product that No Pinz have designed and made has the same simple promise at its heart to deliver on this promise using science, research, and innovation ensuring that all of our products really are performance improving and “Tailored for Speed”.

Spire Hull & East Riding is the official medical supplier to Jem'Hadar.

The Spire Hull & East Riding have returned Jem'Hadar racers back to full health after serious crashes in a way that other providers could not. They have been able to fully repair without ongoing complications, conditions that other providers are incapable of.

Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital is a state-of-the-art private hospital offering fast access to diagnostic tests and scans. They have expert consultants who can provide bespoke personalised treatments and aftercare. High-quality accommodation and aftercare proves a commitment to looking after you and your health.

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Williams & Co is the official legal representative for the Jem'Hadar.

Williams & Co can cover all aspects of your legal needs. Jem'Hadar are in agreement to cover both personal accident claims and sports law. 

Williams & Co have successfully won a cases for Jem'Hadar in relation to personal accident claims. They were able to 100% delivery on their promise to obtain the best possible settlement for the pain and suffering involved. With a full understanding of the circumstances and by discussing the accident and its impact on you in a sympathetic manner their approachable solicitors will ensure you receive the correct level of compensation for your injuries. You will receive you receive 100% of the compensation awarded for your successful claim.


Williams Legal
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